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Welcome to our "NO BLINKING" blog! We are not blinking so that we don't miss anything! Thanks for taking time to read about our family. We are using this blog as a replacement to a Christmas newsletter that we have sent out for several years but it started adding stress to our holidays rather than being something we looked forward to. We haven't sent sent one out for the past few years and had so many people tell us how they have missed it so we decided to try blogging to keep you up to date on our family!



OUR VALENTINE WEEKEND GETAWAY!!! We have a photo to capture the fun we had......WARNING!! May be too hot for children!

Okay, so Thursday my Mom is over and we are taking Nat to Cracker Barrel for lunch and then to an eye exam. Si has had a bit of a cough for a couple of days but now feels warm. We go on to the eye appointment and I call and schedule him an appointment just to be on the safe side because DOUG AND I ARE GOING AWAY!!! Anyway, we get Si to the doctor and he has a fever of 102.4 and a cough, okay so tell me he has a virus and send me on my way to the mountains. My pediatrician comes in and says "Oh, I'm so sorry Simon has the FLU!!!!" WHAT...the FLU?????????? No way, well he will be well by Saturday, right?? Okay, so get him home dose him up with all kinds of stuff and by Friday at lunch he is a happy camper...doesn't seem ill at all. Yeah, mountains, here we come!!! Natalie stays the night with my Mom and Dad on Friday night and will meet us at the game on Saturday morning. Fast forward to Saturday the way Si is fine!! Zane wakes up ready for his game but has a fever of 103.4 and can't even hardly get up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, it has to be a virus and we're not leaving till 1:00 so surely they can give him some medicine and quickly. His appointment was 9:15, Doug takes him in. I call my Mom and Dad and tell them to take Natalie on to cheer because Zane is going to the doctor. Dad says okay, but Natalie doesn't seem like she feels well. Okay, I'm a very optimistic person and I'm thinking okay let's buy a gallon of tylenol and throw everyone in the bed and we will be on our way. Doug calls, Zane did not have the flu BUT he is still pretty sick...oh wait that's my Dad beeping in. Dad says that Natalie is sick and says she can't cheer. Click back over and tell Doug we will meet and trade children and he can take Natalie to the doctor...appointment 11:15. So it is STILL 2 hours before we leave so maybe 2 gallons of tylenol and some aspirin for Mom and Dad since they are keeping the kids. Natalie did not have the flu either BUT she is sick with a high fever also!!! Okay, it's 12:45 and I'm a LITTLE worried now...and Mom did you just say you don't feel so well??? Mom is fine she says. So you guessed it our Valentine weekend was so HOT because of all the fevers in our house!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our weekend was spent taking temperatures, giving medicines, and logging about 2,000 hours on the Wii. I was so disappointed and so was Doug, however I feel that GOD wanted us to spend time with our children this Valentine's and who are we to argue?? Turns out we had a WONDERFUL time just being lazy, playing the Wii, drinking sprite, eating popcorn, cinnamon toast and strawberries together as a FAMILY. The kids actually got over it pretty quick and everyone seems good EXCEPT my Mom, turns out she was not so fine and I took her to the doctor yesterday and she has the FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the most romantic Valentine's day but one we will never forget:) I'll post a couple of pictures just so you can have a visual of our Valentine's weekend...

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